1 min read

DBHub.io Shutdown

DBHub.io will cease operating at the end of February

The DBHub.io online platform hasn’t really gained any traction, so we’re shutting it down at the end of this month.

At that time all data (including user databases) will be deleted and the servers will be decommissioned.

Apologies for the short notice

Ideally we’d provide several months of notice for people to arrange alternative hosting elsewhere.

However, the ongoing financial cost each month of operating the platform has to date been borne by Justin Clift personally, and his finances can no longer accommodate the expense.

Bearing in mind that the platform never gained real traction, so the number of users this short notice will negatively affect is likely very small (if any at all).

Thanks to everyone who contributed or tried things out

Thanks to everyone who did try out the platform and provided feedback, ideas, or even contributed their time/effort in other ways.

You are very much appreciated and hopefully any future platform we create will go better. :)